Tag Archives: the times

“The best World Cup of the lot”

The World Cup in Russia was a huge success on the pitch, and also a triumph off it, with excellent working facilities for journalists and an outstanding effort from the FA's Media Operations team for those covering England.

In this audio podcast, Henry Winter of the Times, who has covered eight World Cups, and Gerry Cox of Hayters Teamwork, who has covered seven, discuss what it's like to be part of the media at the biggest sporting event in the World, and how this summer's version compares with previous ones.

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FWA Q&A: Oliver Kay

Oliver Kay of the Times on a garlic bread factory, a nightmare in Naples and a load of rubbish in Braga...

Your first ever newspaper?
The first to employ me full-time was the Nottingham Evening Post, which I joined as a trainee sports reporter, but I’d done a lot of work experience before that, starting on the Crewe/Nantwich Chronicle and then spending several months on the Evening Sentinel in Stoke. I learned a lot at the Sentinel, including that one of the few ways to stop the press – literally – is to put a foil-wrapped pasty in a microwave ...

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My Week: Matt Dickinson

We find out what The Times' Matt Dickinson got up to during a week that took him to Spain and El Clasico.

Monday December 5
Monday morning. Column day. Some Mondays you wake up with a few scratchy thoughts and a dauntingly empty page to fill. Thankfully this is not one of them. Today Platini gets it, with both barrels. Load, aim, fire…

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Barclay to leave The Times in January


Patrick Barclay is to leave the Times next month after two and a half years as the newspaper’s chief football commentator.

His departure is by mutual consent, a phrase that raises cynical eyebrows when related to a managerial exit but Barclay, one of the most experienced and respected football writers in what older hacks still call Fleet Street, insists it is true.

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