Tag Archives: the observer

Ken Jones – by Norman Giller

Ken Jones, our former Chairman and Life Member who has passed away at the age of 87, went back many years with Norman Giller, who recalls: 

"It was just a few weeks ago that I last saw my old mate Ken Jones and his lovely wife, Kathy.  We were at the memorial service for Hugh McIlvanney at St Bride’s in Fleet Street, and we made a pact. I told him: “I won’t come to your funeral, Ken, unless you come to mine. Ok?” I shook his left hand as he laughingly agreed.

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FWA Q&A: Joe Lovejoy

JOE LOVEJOY on drinking the profits, Dave Mackay’s key rings and the Alien in Georgia

Your first ever newspaper?
The Kentish Observer, Canterbury.

Have you ever worked in a profession other than journalism?
Yes. Ran a pub, briefly. No prizes for guessing where the profits went!

What was your finest achievement playing football?

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