Tag Archives: Neil Harman

Steve Curry – by Neil Harman

A tribute to Steve Curry by Neil Harman, who was his competitor, colleague and close friend for more than 30 years.


My father was a broadsheet Daily Express man through and through. He never bought any other newspaper. When I was an upstart kid reporter on the Southend Evening Echo in the 1970s, the Daily Mail’s stringer Alf Smirk, used to tell me I’d write for the paper one day. Dad told me I should aspire to write for the Express.

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FWA Q&A: Neil Harman

NEIL HARMAN on chatting with Sir Matt...Contemplation Point...and wonderful Fox pies

Have you ever worked in a profession other than football?
If you count marking up the newspapers for delivery as a 14-year-old in Leigh-on-Sea and then doing shifts before and after school behind the counter in the same local newsagents, I suppose that's my only other profession. I left school at 16 and joining the Evening Echo, based in Basildon as a junior sports reporter and from there it has been journalism all the way.

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