Tag Archives: my week

Patrick Barclay: My Week

PATRICK BARCLAY, Evening Standard and Independent on Sunday columnist, on sleep deprivation...video diaries...and a wedding invitation...

Monday June 11
What made me think this was a good idea? It’s 1.17am and I’m on a distinctly chilly platform at Poznan’s central railway station, wondering why someone designed the back-to-benches without backs. Sitting up rigid is to be the order of a long night following Ireland’s opening defeat by Croatia, but I don’t know this as, naively envisaging a few hours of sleep on the 2.06 back to Warsaw, I hang my restless head. A cry from across the tracks makes me ...

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My Week: Neil O’Riordan

NEIL O’RIORDAN, chief sports writer of the Irish Sun, on nail polish and sex appeal...dumb Irish journalists...and the most powerful girl in Poznan

Monday June 4
We play Hungary in a friendly in Budapest. It’s my first time there but the presence of a taxi drivers’ protest makes me feel at home. I am disturbed by a dream I had the previous night where I use nail polish remover instead of shampoo to wash my hair and it all falls out of a result. An internet search tells me that such dreams are associated with concerns about losing sex appeal ...

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My Week: Ian Dennis

IAN DENNIS, senior football reporter for BBC Radio 5 Live, on purple paisley pyjamas...a race against time in Oxford...and snoring football writers

Monday May 21
A feeling of relief that the England media trip to Spain was cancelled. The prospect of another flight 24 hours after getting back from Munich was not one to relish. So it was off to Salford for a meeting with the head of radio sport and get my equipment repaired ready for the Euros.

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My Week: Scott Field

Scott Field, head of media relations at the Football Association, on Hodgson’s choice...a new whistle...and why we should hear more of Lineker...

Monday May 14
The beauty of working in The FA’s media team is always the sheer variety of subjects we have to cover, and my start to the week is no different. Whilst everyone else begins the week still savouring the greatest end to a Barclays Premier League season there has ever been, my start is dominated by the other side of the game - mainly dealing with the disciplinary fall-out from the weekend that was. After scouring ...

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My Week: Gerry Cox

Gerry Cox of Hayters on being mocked in public by Alec Stewart...a strangely attractive slag heap...and a truly Super Sunday

Monday May 7
Bank Holiday Monday so two things are guaranteed – it will rain and I will end up working on my day off. I have promised the kids we will have a family day out after spending the weekend working – Aston Villa v Spurs on Sunday and Arsenal v Norwich before that. My report in the Telegraph started as a thinkpiece on Van Persie's future, after I interviewed him on the night he won his Footballer of ...

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My Week: Steve Bates

STEVE BATES, the outgoing chairman of the Football Writers’ Association, on gaining brownie points with The Boss...dinner with Robin van Persie...and breakfast with superfit Sven

SUNDAY April 29
Weather shocking so usual Sunday morning tennis four ball is off. Take a glimpse at Sky Sports’ Sunday Supplement to see if there is any reaction from the chaps to my story that Harry Redknapp fears he has been passed over for the England job with Roy Hodgson about to get a call from the FA. Always a bit nervy when you go out on a limb with a tale and you ...

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My Week: Sam Wallace

Sam Wallace, football correspondent of the Independent, on a banned electronic cigarette...punny man Shaun Custis...and writing a column sitting on the floor of a crowded train...

The week really began yesterday, at Wembley for the Chelsea v Tottenham FA Cup semi-final. Sunday is always a big day for live action. On Monday, I talk to my sports editor Matt Gatward about the week ahead and Saturday’s paper, which is important. We talk a lot over the course of any normal day, which I am sure is the best thing about the job for Matt.

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My Week: Nick Szczepanik

NICK SZCZEPANIK on playing with Pele...fish on the field...and trying to be banned by a club (and failing)

Monday April 2
The Guardian asked me for a 700-word obituary of Giorgio Chinaglia, the former Lazio and New York Cosmos goalscorer, for their website. Before long, I was asking if I could go up to 1,000 words – with reasonable optimism as, let's face it, you're in trouble if a website tells you they're short of space - after delving into Chinaglia's fascinating character and career. He went from Tuscany to the USA via Swansea and Lazio, and ended up playing ...

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My Week: Dan Johnson

Dan Johnson, Premier League Director of Communications on a ‘spy’ at a Premier League meeting...banning journalists...and an Arsenal/Spurs groundshare

Part of the continued appeal of working in football and the media is the varied nature of the issues and never quite knowing what each day is going to bring. It keeps life interesting, challenging and makes sure you’re always on your toes. I have been at the Premier League for 11 years now and plenty of things have changed, but that buzz you get from wondering quite what the day will bring has remained constant.

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My Week: Dan Tolhurst

PICTURE: Dan Tolhurst and Arsène Wenger at a pre-match media conference.

Dan Tolhurst. Communications Manager, Arsenal, on a major decision about CBeebies...problems with a chunky monkey...and a happy boss

I’m proud to say that I’ve been Communications Manager/Press Officer at Arsenal for nearly 14 years. I joined Arsenal just after the Double’season of 1997/98. Since then, a lot has changed in football and at Arsenal, including a new training ground and a new stadium, but thankfully all the while with just one manager.

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