Tag Archives: Lee Clayton
Press Box Confidential – Episode 6 out now
Episode 6 of Press Box Confidential is out now. Paul McCarthy is joined by Ian Ladyman of the Daily Mail and ESPN's Mark Ogden to discuss Manchester City's title-winning drama in 2012. https://play.acast.com/s/press-box-confidential/6.welcometomanchesterWe are delighted to be teaming up with our title sponsors William Hill again to produce a brand new podcast called Press Box Confidential, where two leading FWA members will join Paul McCarthy each week to discuss their first-hand experiences of some of the most memorable moments in football history.
Tags: 2006 World Cup, Andy Dunn, Eric Cantona, FWA Podcast, Gerry Cox, Goalhanger Films, Jason Burt, Jose Mourinho, Kung Fu kick, Lee Clayton, Matt Dickinson, Matt Lawton, paul mccarthy, Press Box Confidential, WAGS, William Hill
www.footballwriters.co.uk is one year old next week. We take a look back at some of the revelations in the popular Q&A section.By CHRISTOPHER DAVIES
THE IDEA was to learn more about the football writers who spend their lives searching for stories that players, clubs and administrators would rather not be made public.
Tags: Arsenal, david lacey, football writers, George Armstrong, James Ducker, Laura Williamson, Lee Clayton, matt law, Neil Custis, Nigel Clarke, philippe auclair, Rob Shepherd, Shaun Custis, Steve Anglesey
FWA Q&A: Lee Clayton
LEE CLAYTON, the Daily Mail head of sport, on a laptop swimming in Diet Coke...Bradley Wiggins’ sideburns...and trying to be Alvin MartinYour first ever job in journalism?
I worked at The Sun 25 years ago, aged 16. One of my jobs was copytasting from the wires for the editor Kelvin Mackenzie. I had to learn fast. I worked with some excellent journalists, who taught me high standards and I was thrilled to be part of a team who expected to win every day. It was a good early lesson. In those days, The Sun was must-read. The first read. ...
Tags: FWA Q&A, Lee Clayton