Tag Archives: Ken Jones

Ken Jones – by Norman Giller

Ken Jones, our former Chairman and Life Member who has passed away at the age of 87, went back many years with Norman Giller, who recalls: 

"It was just a few weeks ago that I last saw my old mate Ken Jones and his lovely wife, Kathy.  We were at the memorial service for Hugh McIlvanney at St Bride’s in Fleet Street, and we made a pact. I told him: “I won’t come to your funeral, Ken, unless you come to mine. Ok?” I shook his left hand as he laughingly agreed.

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My friend Ken – by Alex Montgomery

Alex Montgomery has added a fuller tribute to his great friend and colleague Ken Jones, who passed away this week.

"It was obvious when Ken phoned a few days ago that all was not well. Maybe as well as those of us in regular contact with him had been fearing. The voice was weak. Yes he had been in hospital. Again? I wasn’t certain of his reply.  He was ok now and no he had not watched the football. The wee Welsh terrier who would defend his beliefs with a tenacity that could shock was strangely benign. ...

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Ken Jones RIP

We at the FWA are saddened to hear that our friend, colleague and former Chairman Ken Jones has passed away.

Ken came from the famous Jones family that produced his cousin, the former Tottenham and Wales winger Cliff Jones. He covered his cousin's exploits with the all-conquering Spurs and then went on to cover England's World Cup final win in 1966. His first-hand account is superbly told here:

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