Tag Archives: Daily Star

Steve Stammers RIP

We at the FWA are devastated to learn that our great friend and colleague Steve Stammers has passed away after a short illness, at the age of 71.

Steve was a stickler for doing things the right way, renowned for his generosity, humour, helpfulness to young reporters, and especially as a superb story-getter, covering London football for over 40 years.  He started on the Brentwood Argus and went to Fleet Street via Hayters Sports Agency, working for the Daily Star, Evening Standard and Sunday Mirror. In semi-retirement he continued to cover football for the Mail, and was always a cheerful ...

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Ken Gorman

The Football Writers' Association is sad to report the passing of former member Ken Gorman, who died in Cardiff on Sunday night.

Ken, who was 72, worked for many titles covering boxing as well as football.

He spent several years with the News of the World and Daily Star and was working up to his death as a freelance, primarily for the Sunday Mirror.

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JEREMY CROSS of the Daily Star on why Oakwell is flipping awful...a £40 mousse...and happy to have Pele put the boot in

Have you ever worked in a profession other than football?
Yes. I was a postman for a summer after completing my A levels. The 3am starts put me off for life!

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In Memoriam: Brian Woolnough

By ANDY DUNN, FWA Chairman

WE knew this day was coming – but it makes it no easier. Sports journalism has lost a giant of a man.
Brian Woolnough was simply the foremost football reporter of his generation.

When we pay tribute, we should retire the centre seat of the front row at every England press conference.

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Howard Wheatcroft: Tribute to Danny Fullbrook

Daily Star Sports Editor Howard Wheatcroft pays tribute to the paper's Chief Football Writer Danny Fullbrook, who passed away on Monday morning...

TWO days before the Star’s Euro 2012 pullout was due out I rang Danny and asked him for 25 words on the tournament and his last four.

Although he was very ill there was no problem because as far as we were both concerned it was business as usual. After two days I had heard nothing so decided to do the words and semi-finalists myself and put Danny’s name on it.

About an hour later the ...

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