Tag Archives: alex montgomery

Bob Driscoll RIP

We are saddened to hear that Bob Driscoll, a long-standing member, friend and colleague to many, passed away at the age of 80.  Bob's son Matt, also an FWA member and friend, posted the news on Facebook on Saturday evening.

Below is a tribute from Bob's great friend and former FWA Chairman Alex Montgomery:

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My friend Ken – by Alex Montgomery

Alex Montgomery has added a fuller tribute to his great friend and colleague Ken Jones, who passed away this week.

"It was obvious when Ken phoned a few days ago that all was not well. Maybe as well as those of us in regular contact with him had been fearing. The voice was weak. Yes he had been in hospital. Again? I wasn’t certain of his reply.  He was ok now and no he had not watched the football. The wee Welsh terrier who would defend his beliefs with a tenacity that could shock was strangely benign. ...

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FWA Q&A: Alex Montgomery

ALEX MONTGOMERY on ladies panties, what really makes an exclusive, dark days in the Sun and a snake in South Korea

Your first ever newspaper?
The Sunday Post. My work was split between the Post and Weekly News. It was a great training ground made greater by one exceptional journalist, John Dron, then sports editor of the Post. Any career I have had would not have seen the light of day without his mentoring. John died recently and my regret is not being able to attend his funeral.

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