Obituary: Dave Horridge

Dave Horridge, a long-serving member of the Football Writers' Association, has died at the age of 78.

The Liverpool-born Horridge worked for the Liverpool Echo, Daily Mail and Daily Mirror. Horridge's career in the media began as a Liverpool Echo photographic messenger before becoming a sports sub editor. He joined the Daily Mail's sub-editing team in Manchester before moving to a similar role with the Daily Mirror who subsequently offered him the opportunity to be their beat reporter in Liverpool in 1963.

Horridge, together with the late Derek Potter of the Daily Express and the Daily Mail’s Colin Wood, became known as the Mersey Musketeers. The trio were the first football writers specifically appointed by national daily newspapers to cover Merseyside football.

Moving to the Midlands, Horridge covered Nottingham Forest's two European Cup triumphs for the Mirror.

Horridge, who lived in Greasby, Wirral, with his wife Betty, leaves a son and a daughter.


3 thoughts on “Obituary: Dave Horridge

  1. Friends and old colleagues are very welcome to Dave’s funeral. 30 Jan Midday at Landican Cemetary South Chapel and then The Manor, Greasby.
    RIP Dad xxx

  2. Dave was a very good man with a great sense of humour and I offer my deepest condolences to Betty and her family.

    Hope the last of the Mersey Musketeers – my good friend Colin Wood – is in good health!

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