Hugh Jamieson RIP

The FWA send condolences to the family and friends of Hugh Jamieson, former football and tennis writer for The Sun and later the Mirror, Mail and Today. Hugh was also a former FWA Midlands secretary.

Hugh, who succumbed to cancer last week at the age of 76, was widely admired and liked from his earliest days as a reporter on the Sheffield Morning Telegraph, before joining the  Sun.   Below is a tribute, with thanks to the Sports Journalists' Association website.


Morning Telegraph team: Jamieson holding the case in the centre with John Motson looking on

Jamieson was very popular with his fellow journalists and was always quick to help out colleagues. John Wragg, former athletics and football reporter for The Express recalled: “I was abroad somewhere doing tennis  and in the hotel restaurant was John McEnroe at a table opposite a group of us.

“This was just after McEnroe’s divorce from Tatum O’Neill so he was bigger news than ever. We were debating how to approach McEnroe when he recognised Hughie and said ‘ you guys want to speak to me don’t you. Bring them over Hugh’. Back pages, spread and news stories were churned out that night. ”

Former Morning Telegraph sports editor Keith Farnsworth remembered: “I was covering Wednesday’s League Cup defeat at Bournemouth for the Sheffield Telegraph in 1969, when they suffered a rather unexpected and even embarrassing defeat, and Hugh was doing it forThe Sun.

“We were staying in the same hotel, and after the match when we went back for a drink. We were discussing what would make the best follow-up tale. He spotted something I had missed, and volunteered a great idea, simply based on what he had witnessed when the team arrived back at the hotel. I got all the credit back in Sheffield.”

Journalist and author Ian Ridley has a similar story: “I was a bit green and covering Wimbledon for The Guardian. It was raining heavily and the paper wanted a piece on something – anything. Hughie introduced me to a British umpire who told me her globe-trotting story for a space-filling feature. It was kind of him.”

Jamieson left The Sun in 1990 and worked as a freelance for the Daily Mail and Mirror Group before joining Today until it folded in 1995. He also had a spell as a football and sports agent and was chairman of the Midlands Football Writers’ Association.

He retired to Guernsey, where he did some radio work, surviving a heart attack in 2010.

More recently he had returned to Bosham, near Chichester, in West Sussex from where his family came from. He was diagnosed with cancer and died at St Wilfrid’s Hospice on September 2.

His funeral will be on September 15 at Our Lady of The Assumption Church, Bosham, at 11.30am and afterwards at the Berkeley Arms.

3 thoughts on “Hugh Jamieson RIP

  1. Sorry to hear Hugh has passed away We made a TV
    Prog for cable TV called Fosters fishing tips it was great fun
    I arranged a fishing trip and received a phone call from Hugh
    To say the camera was needed at Villa park a later call was panic
    We had not got a prog in the can he came to my house I got dressed in the
    Fishing gear including waders and fished in my garden pool
    He completed the prog and it was a great time
    I thank Hugh for happy times may he RlP.

  2. When Hugh heard that I was thinking of leaving The Sun as their Midland man in 1968 he rang me every day to see if I had made up my mind and in order to be first in to apply for it….so I knew of his dogged persistence before I knew the person. We became buddies after that and I’m shocked and saddened by his death.

  3. Use to meet Hugh when he covered wba games in the 80s shared a few drinks with him in the west Bromwich moat house after the match

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