Dennis Signy OBE

Dennis Signy OBE passed away peacefully in his sleep on the morning of June 6th at the age of 85.
Dennis was one of the finest football reporters of the past 50 years, a former Chairman of the FWA twice and a life member of the association, along with his wife Pat, who was Executive Secretary for many years.
Dennis was editor of the Hendon Times for 17 years, before a long and illustrious career in Fleet Street with Hayters, the News of the World, The Times and Sunday Express, influencing a generation of football writers along the way.
He also worked in football, as general manager for Brentford and then chief executive of QPR, as well as a stint as the Football League's media consultant before his final posting as PR consultant and vice-president of Barnet.
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One thought on “Dennis Signy OBE

  1. Such sad news…I had the good fortune to have worked with this wonderful man for 8 years after joining The Hendon Times Group in 1972. Dennis was Group Editor while I managed the Advertising Dept – naturally we didn’t see eye to eye on everything, but his quick wit and warm smile helped him win the day on many potentially contentious issues! I moved to the USA in 1980, but when my beloved Brighton reached the Cup Final in 1983, Dennis was immediately on hand to secure my game tickets. Goodbye old friend, and thanks for many happy memories even from so long ago. Heartfelt sympathy to Pat and family. Paul.

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