Becoming a Football Writer

by Gerry Cox, Former Chairman of the FWA and Chief Executive, Hayters Teamwork Sports Agency

The life of a football writer is not always as exciting as it may appear. It is not all about flying around the world being paid to watch football and write about it - there are plenty of hours spent hanging around cold, wet training grounds waiting for an interview that may never happen.

If you are determined to get into sportswriting, however, be aware that it is a very competitive world.

National newspapers, local papers, magazines, websites, television and radio stations and press agencies are all hungry for football-related stories. But while there are more media outlets than ever before, never has there been so much competition for jobs in the business.

Everyone, it seems, has an opinion on football and most people think they can write a match report, but only the most determined, talented or lucky few get to write about the sport for a living.

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