SFC update Monday March 30

The Sports Freelancer Collective is continuing to explore all avenues with regards assistance for the many self employed who have lost income but who don’t qualify for the government’s Self Employment Income Support Scheme. 

SFC is grateful for the pro-bono services of the accountant who has been answering the questions sent in via your feedback to Philippe Auclair. Please bear with us. Your feedback is also helping to steer us as we liaise with other organisations.

In the meantime we have assembled the resources below, which we hope are helpful in these difficult times.


Employment lawyer Safwan Afridi of Radcliffes LeBrasseur has very kindly offered to help those of you who may have questions about employment law free of charge. To do so, get in touch with him at Safwan.Afridi@rlb-law.com.


Niall McGinnity of Novem9 Ltd has very kindly offered his advice free of charge. Please send your queries to philippe.auclair.fwa@gmail.com


A mortgage broker has very kindly proposed his services to answer questions about mortgages free of charge. Queries to philippe.auclair.fwa@gmail.com


Hardships funds and emergency grants may be accessible via:

The Journalists Charity https://journalistscharity.org.uk/ 

The Authors Guild https://www.authorsguild.org/ 

The British Association of Journalists https://bajunion.org.uk/ 

National Union of Journalists: https://www.nuj.org.uk/work/nuj-extra/how-can-we-help-you/

Society of Authors: https://www.societyofauthors.org/Grants/contingency-funds 


Sports psychotherapist Gary Bloom is happy to speak to anyone via @bloomers57 or emailing info@sportsjournalists.co.uk



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