Give Something Back – Dec 14-16

A reminder that this weekend we are hoping to Give Something Back in press boxes throughout the country. The FWA is teaming up with clubs and charities for the homeless and hungry.  Executive Secretary Paul McCarthy explains below:

"Dear Member,

"Those of you who cover Premier League football will have benefitted hugely from the generosity of the pre-match food and drink on offer. As a way of saying a small 'thank you' and especially in the build-up to Christmas, the FWA are attempting to put a little back.

"For the matches on December 14, 15 and 16, we will put collection boxes in all Premier League press rooms as part of our 'Give Something Back' initiative. All we're asking members (and other journalists who are not FWA affiliated) is to donate at least £5 to go towards charities supporting food banks and homeless shelters.

"Once all the proceeds have been collected, we will distribute the amount evenly amongst the 20 clubs with the stipulation that amount is donated towards the most applicable food bank or homeless charity within their community.

"This effort has the support of the Premier League who have generously agreed to match whatever sum is raised and I hope that you would be able to give it your fullest support. Please dig deep and help out those less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year."


Paul McCarthy

Executive Secretary

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