The National Committee of the Football Writers' Association is acutely aware that in this unparalleled climate of uncertainty, so many of our members will be facing an incredibly testing time.

Freelance journalists, whose work and opportunities have dried up immediately with the suspension of all professional football until April, make up a large percentage of our membership and these are obviously worrying times for them.

With that having been brought into sharp focus in the past 24 hours, the FWA has contacted several MPs who have pledged to highlight the plight of the self-employed, including freelance journalists, and who have serious concerns about the measures taken to protect both rights and incomes.

Our chair, Carrie Brown, has already made representations on behalf of those members potentially affected and Carrie will continue to follow-up to add the FWA's voice to what is becoming an insistence the Government put in protective measures.

We have also set up a working group under the leadership of National Committee member, Philippe Auclair. The intention is to formally constitute a group of freelance writers and broadcasters in order to provide a focal point for affected journalists to turn to in these unique circumstances.

Philippe would like to gain the views and input of as many journalist as possible, both members and non-members and can be contacted at or you can contact the FWA directly via Executive Secretary, Paul McCarthy (

It is impossible to predict what will happen next in football and our industry but we pledge to offer support and advice wherever possible so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

National Committee

Football Writers' Association

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  1. I’m a freelance graphic artist specialising in the sports industry. My income relies on sport, obviously. My work like everyone else in the industry, has dried up. I’m not what to suggest, just wanted to add my name to the list.

    Thank you

  2. Happy to send more details if you think it will help.
    I run a production company with my wife. It provides 100% of my income. 100% of my work between now and autumn is sports broadcasting, working on hard fought contracts such as the Champions League, 3 cycling Grand Tours (Italy, France, Spain), the Olympics and Wimbledon.
    Losing just those 6 jobs, would cost me and my family 50% of our entire annual income.

    Thanks for recognising the peril and acting.



  3. Dear FWA,
    Many thanks for this offer of advice and support for freelancers affected by the current situation.

    I am not a member of the Association, but it’s clearly important that we stick together across all media to present a united voice over the coming weeks and months.

    HMRC’s new Tax helpline, and apparently considerate attitude to those who will struggle to make payments (presumably, pretty much all of us!) is a welcome development. But there will surely be other challenges to face as this situation progresses, and it’s good to know the FWA is ready to fight our corner, and encourage MPs to highlight the problems self-employed journalists will face.

    Thanks again.

    Best regards

    Tom Skippings

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