Footballer of the Year – deadline is a fortnight from today.

Voting for The Footballer of the Year opens today, April 1, and all members should have received an email with details and their unique voting code.
If, within 48 hours, you have not received your code, please check either your spam or junk as sometimes accounts filter our emails. Should the code still not be available, contact Paul McCarthy, our Executive Secretary. You can also vote by email, text/WhatsApp or by telephone - to do so please contact or 07831 650977.

Voting will close on Monday May 10 and we will announce the winner on Thursday May 20. That 10-day period between the vote closing and the announcement will allow us to put together a comprehensive media package that will be available to all members.

We have had a huge rise in membership so for those voting for the first time, our award is the oldest of its kind and the guidelines within our constitution suggest you vote for the player who 'by precept and example' is your footballer of the year.  Tom Clark, one of our newer members, has put together a fascinating multi-media guide to some of our most illustrious winners over the years, here:

The panel who decide our Women's Footballer of the Year are currently debating their decision and the winner will be announced on Friday May 14 in collaboration with our media partners, Sky Sports.

We are sorry that circumstances dictate we are unable to hold our Footballer of the Year dinner for the second year running but we look forward to receiving your votes.


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