Steve Curry – by Neil Harman

A tribute to Steve Curry by Neil Harman, who was his competitor, colleague and close friend for more than 30 years.


My father was a broadsheet Daily Express man through and through. He never bought any other newspaper. When I was an upstart kid reporter on the Southend Evening Echo in the 1970s, the Daily Mail’s stringer Alf Smirk, used to tell me I’d write for the paper one day. Dad told me I should aspire to write for the Express.

In 1981, my life totally changed. I was despatched to Manchester as a fledging football reporter on the Mail in their northern office. I lived and breathed football in that neck of the woods, United under Ron Atkinson, City under John Bond and Billy McNeill, Blackburn, Bolton, Bury, Burnley, Stockport, Crewe, these were ‘my’ teams.

The chief writer in the north for the Express was the wonderful Derek Potter. We had terrific writers as well, Peter Johnson, Derick Allsop, Colin Wood, Bill Mallinson, Doug Weatherall. The Express was unbelievable. It had to be read. They had Alan Thompson and Peter Thomas, the voices of the north. Their top man in London was a fellow called Curry. But we had Jeff Powell. Quite a battle ensued.

In 1990, much to my astonishment, I was appointed the Mail’s chief football writer, succeeding Jeff. The main opposition would be Curry of the Express, a man who had consummate contacts, a lifelong devotion to his sport, knew everyone, and would quite possibly write me into oblivion very quickly.

We were 15 years apart in years and eons in experience. Not only was Steve the kingpin at the Express, the Mirror had Harry Harris, the Sun Alex Montgomery, the Guardian David Lacey, the Telegraph Colin Gibson, Today Rob Shepherd and the Times Stuart Jones. The Star’s Tony Quested was an unknown force but here I was, a Mail tennis correspondent about to be tossed to the sharks.

Graham Taylor had become the England manager post 1990 World Cup and I sensed a chance, because through the matches Lincoln had played against Southend in the olden Fourth Division days and, I suspect, because he was new to international football and so was I, we struck a bit of an accord. But still, it was going to be an uphill struggle.

Whether Steve took pity on me or not, I’m unsure. He admonished me for attending Bubbling Brown Sugar at the Birmingham Hippodrome with Graham, his wife Rita and my wife, Maureen. ‘Shouldn’t do that,’ he said. I thought he might have been becoming a bit rattled because I knew the England manager possibly as well if not better than he did. This could be my chance.

It was to be the only time Steve would have a bad word for me in our careers together. I say ‘together’ because we shared hundreds of car journeys north, hotels, press boxes, would sit in the same front row in on planes when Graham insisted the media travelled in the front row of England flights because he didn’t trust us if he couldn’t see us.

There were a group of football No.1s who gloried under the banner ‘The Morris Men.’ Colin Gibson, then the Telegraph’s lead man, loved to be the organiser, Steve was his best pal, they recruited Harry because he might drop them the occasional tale and liked to have his life organised by someone else and Stuart Jones because he was incapable of organising his own life. In 1990, they [kind of] recruited me. Safety in numbers!!

Thus, on England’s tour of Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia in 1991, the European Championships in 92, the World Cup in 94, and Euro 96, Gibbo was the chef de mission and we all fell into line. As such, I spent more time with Steve than anyone else because we bonded so well.

It is hard to explain to the writers of today but when we travelled with teams, be they club or international we struck an exquisite partnership. The Express and the Mail were sworn enemies in print but Steve and I never let that affect our personal relations. We sat together, ate together, partied together, drank together, sang together, hugged each other, as if we were brothers.

We got up to some terrible mischief but I worried that he would have the story I wanted in the next day’s Express and I’d like to think he thought the same as me on the Mail. He was really pissed off if I was invited onto Hold The Back Page [BskyB’s entry into the world of writer’s forums and the forerunner of Sunday Supplement ] rather than he was. He never really got over the fact that I appeared in the first ever edition of the programme with the late Brian Woolnough.

In essence, Steve was a brilliant football reporter. He could walk into any company and be welcomed. I was envious of that. His fellow reporters loved, admired and feared him in equal measure. I was envious of that. But he never indulged his own popularity. It sat very comfortably with him. If he pulled a story, as he often did, you knew it was going to be spot on because Steve didn’t indulge in fantasies.

I could write a thousand Steve stories here. The karaoke night with Kevin Keegan, the dinner table rows in New York and Washington, the endless white wine evenings at Euro 92 with Richard Moller Nielsen, the Eric Cantona interview two days before the infamous Crystal Palace kung-fu kick, the dance floors in Romania, the round of golf with Bobby Moore, the famous ‘dive’ beneath a jetty at a hotel in Sweden and, so much more important to me, the pep-talks when I lost my job at The Times.

We lived together, we drank together, we worked together, we played together and we lived life together. He was the consummate reporter and travelling companion. The Express loved him and with very good reason. He was the best opponent a reporter could ever have. I am so pleased to have spent so much of my life with him and to have had a last drink with him a couple of months back. David Platt joined us that night, which made it very special indeed.

‘They’re praying for rain in California……’

Night Steve.

Steve Curry – more tributes

Tributes have been flowing for Steve Curry, our friend, colleague and former FWA Chairman, who has passed away after a short illness at the age of 76:

Norman Giller, his former Express colleague and friend, tweeted: “Reeling from news of Steve Curry’s passing. We were close colleagues at the Express. One of the best contacts men in the football reporting business and a great raconteur. We were together recently and I jokingly mocked him for being overweight. A good man.”

Paul McCarthy, former FWA Chairman and Express football correspondent, said: “Desperately saddened to hear of the passing of Steve Curry. To spend time in his company was to live life to the fullest but also to know what it meant to be a ferociously combative reporter of the highest order. No night was complete until there had been another rendering of ‘Little Old Wine Drinker, Me’ or the re-telling of one of the great jokes ‘the flowers in your garden…’

“To those who travelled the globe with Steve, he was hard-bitten but magnificent fun. To those of us who learnt from him, his life was measured in trust, contacts and great stories. After that, the enjoyment could begin. Cantankerous, argumentative and obstreperous – he could be all those things. But he was extremely loyal and a trusted companion who loved the rough and tumble of getting a story but never let it get in the way of friendship. He will be missed. His generation of reporters lived the greatest of lives and they were genuinely grateful for everything the job gave them. RIP Steve.”

Steve Bates, another former FWA Chairman, colleague and friend tweeted: “Very sad to hear news that Steve Curry passed away earlier today One of the big characters in Fleet Street’s hey-day and beyond, always good company and a wonderful raconteur. Condolences to wife Carol and son Mike. RIP.”

Mike Parry, former Express sports editor added: “I am absolutely shocked to learn of the death of Daily Express legend Steve Curry. When I was a young reporter on the Express Steve was forever helpful and supportive. Terrific professional and all round bloody good guy and my sincerest condolences to all of his family.”

John Cross: “RIP Steve Curry. Always nice to me when I first came into the business all those years ago. Fleet Street legend with a devilish smile and a great sense of humour.”

Gerry Cox, former Chairman of the FWA: “Very sad news. I grew up reading Steve Curry and the other great sports reporters from the Express in its heyday, and got to know him later as a friend and a colleague. A sad loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with his family and friends.”

“So sad to hear of the passing of Steve Curry. A guiding light to me for years. Even a triple by-pass years ago didn’t deter him. One of the best in the business, and also one of the nicest, a very rare combination today. Always supportive of me, a wonderful person.” John Ley, FWA membership secretary and former Telegraph colleague.

“Steve Curry was a very warm man a very good journalist. Brilliantly old school. RIP” James Corrigan, Telegraph golf correspondent

“Very sad to learn the news that veteran football reporter Steve Curry has passed away. A regular guest on SkyNews, Steve became a good friend. Always great company and I’ve many fond memories of trips to La Manga together. Condolences to Carol. RIP Steve.” Ian Woods, Sky News

“Another great sports journalist has gone. Steve Curry was a blisteringly sharp reporter for the Daily Express and a colleague I always looked forward to meeting on the many trips we conducted round the world writing about the sport we loved. RIP, Steve.” Matt Driscoll

A Daily Express and Fleet Street legend. RIP Steve Curry” Mike Allen, Mirror sports editor

Sad news. Great character. Always kind and welcoming. Good memories from England on tour with all the English media.” Erik Bielderman, L’Equipe.

Desperately sad news. A true legend of sports journalism and a great supporter of Weybridge Cricket Club. Was with him on Sunday in fine spirits and looking forward to his holiday. RIP Steve, you’ll be missed.” Oliver Slipper, founder Perform Group.

“Very sad news. I enjoyed an impromptu pint with Steve, Jim Mossop and Andy Dunn ahead of this year’s FWA. He was in fine form, extolling his views as in his own indomitable way. A formidable Fleet Street writer, great debater and marvellous company.  Steve will be greatly missed. Sincere condolences to Carol and all of Steve’s family. RIP.” Adrian Bevington, former FA executive

Steve Curry, RIP

STEVE CURRY 1942 – 2019

It is with deep sadness that we learn of the passing of Steve Curry.

Steve was one of the great larger-than-life characters of our industry as well as a former FWA Chairman and Life Member. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his wife Carol and all his family. Steve passed away after a short illness.

His friend and colleague James Mossop has written this tribute:

“Superlative journalist, whimsical companion, friend of football: Steve Curry was all that and more. His endless qualities glowed throughout the many years so many of us knew and admired him.

“Players and administrators entrusted him with their thoughts, hopes and apprehensions. His years at the Daily Express were dappled with exclusives.

“He was a marvellous fellow traveller too, especially in those days when we Fleet Street men travelled on the same charter aircraft as the England team. He had a fine singing voice and standing in the aisle, would give his finest, with a song about “Old Shep” being one particular party piece.

“Not many knew that in his early days as a junior reporter he had been a proud member of the Youth Theatre and he would become quite animated if he heard one of us deliberately misquoting Shakespeare. Off he would go in true Thespian mode, raising his voice to give us the full soliloquy without a flaw.

“In his work he had contacts in every area of the sport. He was always greeted with affection by players in the team hotel. He had known many of them since their youth football days. The late Ray Wilkins, in particular was always a trusted friend.

“If there was a political issue within football Steve knew the men and their numbers and was able to draw ‘off the record’ briefings from the right people.

“It would be hard to find a more amiable, and occasionally argumentative, dinner companion wherever we happened to be in the world.

“After the Express he took his talent to the Sunday Telegraph and produced an instant exclusive revealing that the famous Twin Towers of Wembley were to be demolished. It was the first of many scoops.

“Sadly Steve, a former chairman of the FWA, has left us. Right now there is an emptiness in many, many hearts. It will slowly ease and we will find consolation in remembering the career and the style of our friend of the human race.”


More tributes to follow. You can read this interview with Steve from 2012:

Racism, club ownership and City to retain their title – FWA Live

Our latest FWA LIve event at the Landmark London on August 6 was a huge success, with a wide range of topics discussed by our panel in front of a packed house.

Chris Hughton, Simon Jordan and Teddy Sheringham were our special guests from the world of football, and joined FWA Chair Carrie Brown and Times football correspondent Henry Winter on a panel hosted by Gerry Cox, former Chairman of the FWA.

The first 45 minutes involved a panel discussion on the likely winners of this season’s Premier League (Manchester City were overwhelming favourites), transfer dealings this summer, the fates of the newly-promoted clubs and how Frank Lampard and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer will fare.

After a short break, panellists took questions from the 100 or so guests, resulting in lively and revelatory discussions about racism, club ownership, the difficulties of management and more.

The event was streamed live on Facebook thanks to our title sponsors William Hill, and you can see the first 45 minutes on the FWA’s Facebook page here:

And a substantial sum was raised for our charity Alzheimer’s Society.  See the great work they are doing on research into a disease that increasingly affects not only football but society as a whole

(Left to right) Gerry Cox Former Chairman of FWA/Hayters TV, Chris Hughton Former Brighton Manager, Simon Jordan Former Crystal Palace Owner & Broadcaster, Teddy Sheringham, Carrie Brown FWA Chair and Henry Winter  of The Times.

Simon Jordan, Former Crystal Palace Owner & Broadcaster, and Teddy Sheringham during the FWA Live Season Preview at The Landmark Hotel, London.

Carrie Brown- FWA Chair and Henry Winter of The Times during the FWA Live Season Preview at The Landmark Hotel, London.

Chris Hughton, Former Brighton Manager, during the FWA Live Season Preview at The Landmark Hotel, London.

General view during the FWA Live Season Preview at The Landmark Hotel, London.

Growing Women’s Football – Panel this Thursday 11th

50 per cent discount on tickets for FWA members.

Carrie Brown, FWA Chair, will be taking part this Thursday 11th July in a panel discussion about Growing Women’s Football following the successful World Cup in France this summer.

The event, hosted by Snack Media’s Digital Sport, will be held at the office of law firm Howard Kennedy, near London Bridge from 17.30 to 21.30 .

Tickets are available from the following link and there is a 50 percent discount for FWA members who enter the Promo code: FWA50

Tickets here:

Carrie is moderating a panel that also includes representatives from:

Twitter – Bruna Zanin-Juresic, Global Sports Partnerships
Visa – Adrian Farina, Head of Marketing, Europe
Engine Sport – Lisa Parfitt, Managing Director
Endeavor – Robin Clarke, SVP International

Footballers of the Year Sterling and Parris

Raheem Sterling and Nikita Parris made it a win double for Manchester City and England as they collected their Footballer of the Year and Women’s Footballer of the Year awards at our gala dinner on Thursday night.

The two strikers won the Football Writers’ Association awards for their outstanding work on and off the pitch this season, and were presented with their honours by our new Chair Carrie Brown.

‘It’s a massive achievement, a massive honour,’ said Sterling. ‘To be recognised is always a lovely feeling, especially by the writers. It makes it even more special.

‘It is an award that I will cherish, especially with the people that have won it before me so I am really, really glad and proud.’

Sterling collected 62 per cent of the poll by FWA members and beat Liverpool centre-back Virgil Van Dijk to the award by over 100 votes.

Sterling is the first Manchester City player in 50 years to win the FWA Footballer of the Year award, following on from Tony Book sharing the accolade with Derby’s Dave Mackay.

‘Precept and example’ have long been considered when voting for the award – values that Sterling boasts in abundance.

Put to him that he has had a bit of an up and down time with the media in the recent years, Sterling said: ‘Yeah, it’s one of those where I take full responsibility as well because it’s my first time being a professional and everyone makes mistakes, especially being young and not quite understanding what goes on in and around football with the media.

‘As you get older, you mature and understand things much better and I think now people can see me for who I am.

‘Role model, not in terms of saying you set out to be a role model but just in terms of leading by example.

‘You have young kids who do follow you and do look up to you, and you need to try and set the right example for them and the next generation coming through for sure.

‘Certain subjects that I have spoken about this season has been touchy but at the same time I thought it was needed and I tried to do my best to address it in a positive (way) and not come across aggressive or ignorant.’

Thursday night was a double celebration for City as England striker Nikita Parris collected the FWA Women’s Footballer of the Year.

‘It feels amazing to be voted for by the Football Writers’ Association,’ she said. ‘I am really grateful for the award and I hope the night is special, with two Manchester City players getting the award. Many congratulations to Raheem, I think he has been fantastic this year.

‘It has been a fantastic season for us, winning two trophies and will really be fighting for that league trophy next year. It is a fantastic time for women’s football and the England team.’

(Photos PA/Steve Paston)


Sterling and Parris at the double in FWA awards

Raheem Sterling is the Football Writers’ Association Footballer of the Year 2019, and in a unique double for Manchester City and England, Nikita Parris is the FWA’s Women’s Footballer of the Year.

Sterling, the City and England forward was a clear winner in the vote of over 400 FWA members, taking 62 per cent of the poll and 100 votes more than Liverpool defender Virgil Van Dijk. His fellow City forward Sergio Aguero placed third.

Other players to receive votes from FWA members were, in alphabetical order: Harry Kane (Tottenham), Eden Hazard (Chelsea), Alexandre Lacazette (Arsenal), Bernardo Silva and David Silva (Manchester City).

Sterling, 24, becomes the first Manchester City winner of football’s oldest individual award, first handed out in 1948, for 50 years since defender Tony Book shared the 1969 accolade with Derby’s Dave Mackay.

An integral part City’s battle with Liverpool for the Premier League title, Sterling has also received widespread praise for his courageous stance taken against racism in the game.

The England forward has scored 29 goals for club and country this season, helping drive Gareth Southgate’s side to the UEFA Nations League finals and an impressive start in Euro 2020 qualifying.

Sterling, who could yet also end up with an FA Cup winners’ medal, will be presented with the Sir Stanley Matthews Trophy at the 2019 Footballer of the Year dinner, to be held at the Landmark Hotel in London on May 9.

Newly-elected FWA Chair Carrie Brown said: “Raheem Sterling is a player of style and a man of substance.

“More than 70 years ago Charles Buchan, one of the founding fathers of the Footballer Writers’ Association, suggested there be an award presented to the player who by “precept and example” is considered the Footballer of the Year.

“Raheem Sterling is an exemplar of the talent and values our founding fathers sought to reward when they established the FWA in 1947.

“To have been voted the 2019 Footballer of the Year by our members, and with such an overwhelming majority, clearly acknowledges the contribution from a player over one season

but it also recognises the huge impact of Raheem’s courage to challenge preconceptions and fight racism, which will leave a legacy not just for future generations in football but society as a whole. Eyes have been opened, voices found, we are listening and will be at the forefront of the continued drive for equality.

“On the pitch, Raheem has evolved into one of the most dangerous forwards in the world. A player long admired for his tactical intelligence, link-up play and quick feet has now added a devastating finish to his game. The Manchester City forward’s Champions League opener against Tottenham at the Etihad Stadium drew comparisons with Lionel Messi’s goal against Manchester United. Are we approaching a time where Barcelona’s maestro will be forced to  cast a watchful glance over his dropped shoulder at the rising star of Sterling?

“Raheem didn’t set out to be a leader, but he is setting examples in society and in the game which the world is following with interest.

I look forward to presenting him with the Sir Stanley Matthews Trophy on May 9.”

Nikita Parris will also collect her accolade at the gala event. The 25-year-old City and England forward succeeds fellow England striker Fran Kirby, who won the inaugural award last May.

Parris won by the narrowest of margins from Arsenal & Netherlands striker Vivianne Miedema.

The award is decided by a two-stage poll of a panel of experts. The pair emerged as the clear favourites from the first phase, Parris polling one extra vote as both gained at least ten votes more than the next contender. Parris then won by a single vote (11-10) in the second stage.

Steph Houghton, England and Manchester City captain, was third. Other votes in the first stage were cast for Beth Mead, Danielle van de Donk, Leah Williamson (all Arsenal), Magdalena Ericsson, Erin Cuthbert, Karen Carney, Fran Kirby (all Chelsea), Georgia Stanway (Man City), Lucy Bronze (Lyon) and Toni Duggan (Barcelona).

Toxteth-born Parris has been a dynamic and deadly presence in attack for Manchester City and England since joining from Everton in 2015. This season her goals and assists have helped her club to the Women’s FA Cup final, which is at Wembley this Saturday (May 4), and to victory in the Continental Tyres Cup. The FAWSL’s all-time record goalscorer, she was also a key figure in England’s She Believes Cup triumph earlier this year.

Off the field, Parris has joined with the City of Liverpool College to set up the NP17 Football Academy providing sports qualification to students.



Marie Bowden wins inaugural Ralph Ellis Award

Leicester City’s Marie Bowden has won the first Ralph Ellis Award from the Football Writers’ Association.

The Foxes’ media administrator collected the trophy from Leicester manager Brendan Rodgers ahead of City’s 3-0 win against Arsenal on Sunday.

The award is named in honour of former national committee member Ralph, who ran the Midlands branch and passed away last year.

Marie said: “I’m really shocked, surprised and honoured. I love my job and I love this club. It really is a privilege to win.”

FWA Midlands members voted for a club member of staff – manager, player or member of the media team – who they felt had helped them the most over the season.

The award is a sign of respect from the FWA to club staff and looks to build on the foundations Ralph laid in the Midlands.

Ralph’s son Daniel said: “Dad would have been honoured and completely shocked to have the Ralph Ellis Award for services to the media named after him.

“The FWA want Marie to know that she doesn’t go unnoticed. Like all at Leicester, she carried herself with great dignity in a very difficult time last October when they lost the club’s chairman in an horrific helicopter crash.

“They say that a person’s never really gone while their name’s still spoken.

“From everything we’ve heard and seen since September, things like this award, and with people like Marie helping the relationship between clubs and journalists, my Dad’s legacy is going to live on for a very long time.”

Wolves at the double in FWA Midlands awards

By Nick Mashiter, Press Association and FWA MIdlands branch chairman.

Nuno Espirito Santo and Raul Jimenez completed a Wolves double at the Football Writers’ Association Midlands awards.

Mexico international Jimenez won FWA Midlands Player of the Year while Wolves boss Nuno was named the Manager of the Year on Wednesday April 24.

Members voted for the pair after an impressive first season back in the Premier League for Wolves.

Wolves legend Steve Bull, the club’s record scorer and vice-president, collected the awards on behalf of the pair, who were preparing for their 3-1 win over Arsenal, at the event which was sponsored by law firm Stewarts, along with FWA official sponsor William Hill.

Jimenez, who became the club’s record buy when he turned his loan from Benfica into a permanent £32million transfer last month, has scored 16 goals in all competitions this season.

The striker has netted 12 times in the Premier League and has impressed with his work-rate and the speed with which he has adapted to English football.

Nuno has continued to build on the club’s Sky Bet Championship title win last season and victory over the Gunners put Wolves seventh. They also lost a thrilling FA Cup semi-final 3-2 after extra time to Watford earlier this month.

Wolves have set a new club record points total in the Premier League this season and could return to Europe for the first time since 1981 if they finish seventh and Manchester City beat Watford in the FA Cup final.

Nottingham Forest manager Martin O’Neill, Burton boss Nigel Clough, West Brom interim manager Jimmy Shan and Birmingham boss Garry Monk all attended the lunch, at the Burlington Hotel in central Birmingham.

Ron Atkinson, Steve Froggatt, Kevin Phillips and Geoff Thomas were among other former managers and players in attendance.

A tribute was paid to former Leicester City chairman Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, who was killed in a helicopter crash in October. Sir Doug Ellis and FWA stalwart and ex-West Brom director Jeff Farmer were also remembered, after passing away in the last year.

A raffle for Prostate Cancer UK raised £660 in memory of former national committee member Ralph Ellis who sadly passed away last year. His widow Sue was one of our special guests.

Clubs donated signed memorabilia with the Football Association providing a signed Gareth Southgate England shirt and Leicester donating four hospitality tickets for a game next season.

It was also the first official function for Carrie Brown, our new Chairman, who was with former Chairman Paddy Barclay and Executive Secretary Paul McCarthy.  Jacqui Oatley and Nick Mashiter were also representing the National Committee in what was an undoubted success.

Thanks to Mark Radford photography for the pictures.


Carrie Brown becomes first female Chair of the FWA

CARRIE BROWN has succeeded Paddy Barclay as Chair of the Football Writers’ Association, the first woman to hold the role and the first female chair of a major football organisation.

Carrie, who is Senior Sports Correspondent for beIN Sport, was elected unanimously at the FWA’s Annual General Meeting on April 23.

She has been an FWA member for more than ten years and an active member of the National Executive Committee for the past two years.

Carrie said: “It was first a considerable source of pride simply to be considered for membership of the Football Writers’ Association over a decade ago. In the past two years, I have witnessed and been wholly impressed by the drive and determination of Paddy to promote diversity within the FWA and especially among the Executive Committee. Today, I am honoured to have been voted into the role of Chair but accept the position in the knowledge this role should have been taken by our late vice-chair Vikki Orvice.

“Vikki was an early and ever-present support and role model in my career. I will not try to emulate or follow her path but I do hope I can make her and our members proud.”

Paddy Barclay has overseen a huge rise in the number and diversity of members over the past few years, and the FWA now has 430 full members and over 100 student members, as well as a mentoring scheme for young journalists.

Paddy said: “Carrie will continue and enhance the development of the FWA in every sense. She has made a great impact on the organisation in a relatively short time and yet the energy she has put into this crucial contribution to our modernisation is balanced by a respect for history.

“Yes, we have made progress in terms of membership and, within that, diversity. But within the next few years progress will harden into true, undeniable and irrevocable character. Nothing could make me more sure of that than the election of Carrie Brown.”

Also leaving the National Committee after more than 20 years is Mike Collett, the former global editor of football for Reuters. Mike has served the FWA with distinction, not least in researching the history of the association back to its founding fathers in 1947. Just recently Mike sourced a collection of memorabilia from the family of Ivan Sharpe, Chairman for the the FWA’s first six years, and handed it over to the National Football Museum, who will have a permanent exhibition space dedicated to the FWA.

Joining the National Committee in their place are three members who demonstrate the association’s drive for diversity in terms of age, ethnicity and gender. Alyson Rudd of The Times has been a mainstay of newspaper football coverage for over 20 years, Kelly Cates of Sky and BBC Radiio is a highly-respected broadcaster, and Joel Beya from Cheeky Sport represents the new wave of multimedia journalists in the digital world.

Their recruitment to the National Committee follows that of Sam Cunningham of The I newspaper, Darren Lewis of the Mirror, Jonathan Liew of the Independent and broadcaster Jacqui Oatley, who have all joined in the past year.

You can see Carrie’s first interview as Chair of the FWA here: