Liberty Stadium report, May 2011

Dylan Thomas famously wrote “Swansea is the graveyard of ambition.” Championship promotion hopefuls Swansea City Football Club beg to differ with the great man.

When Football Writers’ Association national committee members Brian Scovell and Tony Hudd visited the Liberty Stadium to check out their press facilities ahead of the Swans’ push for promotion they found a lively, vibrant club willing and able to meet the challenge of Barclays Premier League football.

With club media and communications officer Jonathan Wilsher, a former local paper football writer, as their guide, the pair were left in no doubt that Swansea are determined to provide the best possible press facilities at their 20,524 capacity stadium.

The present press box, which accommodates 40 seats, all with power points under each desk, will be expanded to meet Premier League criteria. The existing facility is also wired for 3D.

At present, Swansea have two mixed zones, one home, one away, which is near the exit for the visiting team coach. This will become one as the existing home arrangement means interviews being conducted on the main concourse close to the reception area which is unsuitable.

The big press room, which is equipped with work desks and power points, also has toilet facilities. At the moment, reporters and photographers share the room.

This will change with photographers being given their own facilities.

Should Swansea reach the Premier League, the club will do their best to make sure all reporters are given a car parking space and are in the process of purchasing a plot of land that will increase parking capacity.

Brian and Tony wish to place on record their thanks to Jonathan Wilsher for his time and meticulous attention to detail in wanting to improve the club’s press facilities.

Brian Scovell Writes…

Over the years chairmen and committee members of the FWA have given advice to the 92 clubs about their press facilities. Around a third of them benefited, the last being Colchester which has proved to be a great success story. Three years ago we set up a Facilities sub Committee made up of myself, Tony Hudd and Jim Van Wijk and arising from an incident at Southend’s Roots Hall – when a steward declined to give some our members a programme and a team sheet – I wrote to Lord Brian Mawhinney, the President of the Football League, and asked him for a meeting.

I told him many of the smaller clubs are lagging well behind and although we realise they have financial problems, a number of changes could be brought in which wouldn’t cost a lot of money. We proposed a name for it – “Operation Goodwill.” Our committee met him and John Nagle on December 12, 2006 and we persuaded them to carry on the dialogue. We met again in the following February and we gave them 35 questions which could feature in a questionnaire sent to the 72 clubs. The questionnaire was sent out and 52 clubs responded. We felt that the errant 20 should have been ordered to take part but nothing happened! We supplied a list of suggested improvements, like compulsory programmes and team sheets, proper interview rooms, improved criteria for press boxes, adequate refreshments, a press officer for each club and many of these have been implemented.

A further meeting took place on October, 2007 and representatives of the clubs, the BBC and IRN joined in. One of the ideas was for one of our members, Jim Van Wijk of the PA, to submit a Best Practice for a journalists’ day at a Football League match. Charles Runcie did the same for the BBC. That proved to be invaluable. We suggested there should be a Media Handbook and the FL produced one for this season and sent it to the clubs. At a subsequent meeting, they agreed to issue two handbooks in future, the other one for journalists.

We welcomed the League’s plan to introduce a two tier structure with CCC clubs having a higher minimum requirement (40 seats in each press box, work tops) and a minimum tally for Division 1 and 2 (20 seats). The minimum number of power points provided should be one per seat in the CCC and one per two seats in Leagues 1-2 (with a minimum of 10). These proposals are going to be put before the League agm in June, also media rooms are going to be compulsory and in the lower Leagues, they should provide a similar room or a dedicated area under cover. (The FWA have had a number of complaints by our members about Blackpool’s open air interview arrangements!).

We also welcomed their approach about excluding people who are who not properly accreditated. These cards are the only acceptable forms of proving identity: the FL ID card, UK Press Card, AIPS card and the NPA card.

John Nagle has agreed that we should meet twice a year to review these matters and from our side, suggest new ideas to make things work better. I have written to Lord Mawhinney about the American idea – in the major sports in the USA they let the press in to the locker room. He went on a tour to the NFL recently and he might be persuaded to adopt the idea in Divisions 1-2 where some clubs cannot afford to put in press rooms. We think it would vastly improve relations between clubs and journalists. Fulham were pioneers in that field in the Sixties under Tommy Trinder they won a reputation as being the friendliest club in the country.

Others who have tried it, like Reading, soon dropped the idea……. but they did get promotion that year!

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, let me, Tony Hudd or Jim Wijk know.