Sports Freelancers Collective latest

IN these difficult times, the FWA has joined forces with the Sports Journalists' Association and other bodies to support freelance journalists and related small businesses that are badly affected by the current shutdown in sport.

Philippe Auclair is overseeing things from the FWA's point of view and will post regularly here in order to keep you updated with what support there is:

Here is his latest advice following the Chancellor's announcements on March 17

A very quick update on the IR35 situation, which I know is affecting many of you. The 'good' news is that the reforms will be delayed by a year. See for more details. I was contacted earlier today by a mortgage broker who very kindly proposed his services to elucidate any questions those of us who have a mortgage would like to ask. So please let me know which topics you'd like him to address. He already recommended having a look here in order to have an idea of where we were at at the moment.
A reminder of how you can contact the new HMRC coronavirus hotline, which was specifically set up for small businesses and self-employed people:

 Last, allow me take this opportunity (with apologies to those of you who've already been sent a similar message) to invite those of you who are not yet members of the FWA to join the association. Given the circumstances which we find ourselves in, the FWA has decided to waive its normal fee (£30 p/a) and to welcome new members for free. To join the FWA, simply follow this link: Membership renewal charges by standing order will only be applied from 1 September and not 1 June as usual.

 Keep safe, keep together


FWA Coordinator

Sports Freelancers Collective

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2 thoughts on “Sports Freelancers Collective latest

  1. Pingback: How can we help? LGBT+ or ally, let us know - Sports Media LGBT+

  2. Pingback: Call to action from Sports Freelance Collective | Football Writers' Association

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