Ken Jones RIP

We at the FWA are saddened to hear that our friend, colleague and former Chairman Ken Jones has passed away.

Ken came from the famous Jones family that produced his cousin, the former Tottenham and Wales winger Cliff Jones. He covered his cousin's exploits with the all-conquering Spurs and then went on to cover England's World Cup final win in 1966. His first-hand account is superbly told here:

Ken worked principally for the Mirror, Observer and The Independent, and was Chairman of the FWA for three successive years, from 1975 to 1978. He was also a very fine boxing writer, and there is another great piece on reporting here:

He was widely considered one of Fleet Street's finest and will be much missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Full tributes to follow.

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4 thoughts on “Ken Jones RIP

  1. Farewell Ken, a much respected sportswriter and revered friend and colleague. So soon after Hugh McIlvanney, Jim Lawton and Steve Curry. Too painful. Rest easy old friend. Thinking of Kathy, and Lesley and cousin Cliff, the Tottenham legend.

  2. Three years ago myself and my brother went to interview Ken about a deceased famous footballer he once knew. Ken gave us a wonderful four hours of his time talking about football and sport in general. His wife kindly provided us with sandwiches and coffee etc. It was an unforgettable experience.

  3. I am very sad to hear about Ken Jones’s passing. I was Ken’s colleague at the Daily Mirror in its golden era, and Ken was one of our true stars. He was more than simply a sport writer; he cared about the rights and conditions of people in the countries he reported from, and this was reflected in his dispatches. As Chief Foreign Correspondent, I often bumped into him and it was always a pleasure. My sympathy and solidarity to the Jones family. Your Ken was one of the finest.

  4. He was a good friend of my dad, Derek ( Known as Del) Palmer. He came to San Diego, CA on many visits taking my dad to boxing matches in Las Vegas. Great memories of him and his family. RIP Ken. I hope you are hanging out with my dad and Bob Paget.

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