Wakelet update

The Football Writers' Association is happy to endorse a new digital platform, Wakelet, which enables members to collate their cuttings, posts and pictures in one place.

Gone are the days of cuttings books full of newspaper clippings slowly fading away. The new free service from Wakelet allows journalists to keep all their articles and posts in one place, and share a link to their collection with others.

Callum Nightingale from Wakelet says: "Your articles, podcasts and Youtube videos may be scattered across the web. Wakelet allows you to save and organise all of this content and showcase it in one place."Wakelet_Blue

To use the free service, simply go to https://wakelet.com and sign up, then you can drag and drop links to your articles. It is particularly useful for young journalists wanting to display their published work, but is a useful resource for many other things.

Here are some example of FWA members' accounts:




And here are a few more interesting ways people are using Wakelet




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