The Sun, Everton and Liverpool

The Football Writers' Association is concerned by the recent bans imposed on The Sun by Liverpool FC and Everton FC. 

While the FWA understands the upset caused by the presence and views of columnist Kelvin MacKenzie, the organisation feels that its members, the football journalists, are being unfairly punished for actions which have nothing to do with them.

The FWA has always believed in the fundamental principle that all of its members have a right to carry out their jobs and should not be banned because of the actions of others. 

Following discussions at National Committee level, we believe the clubs should reconsider these bans and work with the FWA and Premier League to resolve the situation.

One thought on “The Sun, Everton and Liverpool

  1. At facebook group ‘total eclipse of the s*n’ we would like to respond that we welcome your concerns and we are pleased that your Association recognises that there is a problem here. A growing problem.
    With respect that problem is not solely Kelvin McKenzie.
    Kelvin McKenzie and the s*n newspaper tarnished the memories of 96 friends and family in 1989 and trashed the reputation of an entire city.
    Since then McKenzie and the s*n have repeatedly besmirched the people of our city and disrespected issues around Hillsborough; and then repeatedly apologised.
    The ‘newspaper’ will never be forgiven by decent people in these parts and for good reasons.
    We call on the football writers association, the Premier League and others to engage the relevant parties in this issue in meaningful conversation.
    Why not come up to Liverpool and discuss the issue in person?
    Let’s instigate a sensible debate with our civic leaders, Hillsborough family groups, our two great clubs, community leaders, campaigners, newsagents, local sports writers who are members of your association and other interested parties.
    Please know that we will fight as strongly as the next person to uphold the vital concept of ‘Freedom of the Press’. We also believe that with freedom comes responsibility.
    There are other vital freedoms in this country too which we enjoy and cherish. Fortunately, we enjoy the freedom not to buy, sell or read the s*n ‘newspaper’.
    The boycott grows stronger daily and we would be glad to discuss it with you.
    Facebook group : Total eclipse of the s*n
    Twitter : @totaleclipse96

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