Patrick Barclay on Graham Taylor

From FWA Chairman Patrick Barclay:

To all football writers, Graham Taylor was a very special football manager, one of our own in the sense that he understood journalism from the early age due to the work of his dad. Some of us even had the pleasure of meeting Tom in his domain, the press boxes of Lincolnshire, and therefore we understood that parental influence had contributed to Graham’s wonderfully cheerful personality and unfailing good manners, both of which were exhibited in the face of adversity as well as the more convivial atmosphere of a pre-match cup of tea during his later life as an analyst.

Graham had a lovely sense of humour and a keen eye for pomposity in a pundit or even a fellow manager who seemed to be getting above himself. But everything he said was good-natured. He was a decent footballer and an exceptional manager and yet most of us will him as remember one of the game’s truly fine men. Our sympathies are with his family and friends.

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